Collaborative Delivery of Foundational Learning for Rural Learners

The Collaborative Delivery of Foundational Learning for Rural Learners project looked to increase access to quality learning for rural learners in NorQuest's stewardship region and beyond through a technology-supported, collaborative delivery model. If successful, the model will increase flexibility to access foundational learning opportunities, specifically flexible part-time, pre-high school academic upgrading and intercultural education.

The project vision is to contribute towards the ability of rural Albertans to connect with the learning opportunities they need to achieve education and career goals within their own community.

The model leveraged the advantage of Alberta Education referenced curriculum resources tailored to the needs of adult foundational learners through an online content management system, instruction delivered through videoconferencing and locally provided, learner supports adapted to learner needs within the community.

Four content streams were piloted: foundational math, language/essential skills, Indigenous literacy and intercultural education.

This project involves several key partners including: NorQuest rural campus learning sites; rural community learning organizations from across Alberta; the Innovative Communities Connecting and Networking (iCCAN) videoconferencing network; Castle Rock Research; and included nine rural Alberta communities: Camrose, Edson, Hanna, Hinton, Olds, Rocky Mountain House, Stettler and Vegreville.


Project Evaluation, sustainability model, project report

Other project information
Project time frame November 2011 - February 2014
Project team
  • Patti Lefebvre
  • Cheryl Whitelaw
  • Jacqueline Brisebois
Project sponsor Rural Alberta Development Fund
Partners Castle Rock Research, 10 rural community learning organizations