
Feedback Audio for Lesson

The following audio accompanies the lesson plan and learner handout:

  • Part 3: Presentation of Feedback Pattern
  • Part 4: Explanations
  • Part 5: Awareness-Raising

Part 3: Presentation of Feedback Pattern

Listening A

Manager: Uh hi, Yuji. How are you doing today?
Yuji: Not bad, how are you?
Manager: Good. Um I’ve got some sensitive information in relation to client feedback that I wanna talk to you about. And I’m just wondering if that’s ok with you.
Yuji: Sure.
Manager: Yes? Alright. So we’ve been getting, you know the process we have going on in store where customers provide us feedback in relation to the service we’re providing. And um what’s it called, it, we think it’s important to touch base with employees when we receive feedback in relation to the work that they’re doing. Um to date, we’ve received multiple um negative feedback in relation to um you not providing the appropriate service level that we’re looking for. Um and it’s in relation to uh smiling or not greeting customers or something to that effect. So um what we are looking for is for you to make um some efforts, some next steps here to um improve on that. And what we are hoping to do is for you to um just work on the smiling portion of this and greeting customers and just treating them that way. And I think these negative comments will disappear going forward. So um what do you think about that?

Listening B

A: Hi there. Um I’ve uh received a few of these feedback forms uh from some of the different customers and I wanted to go over some of the information with you. Do you have a few minutes?
B: Sure.
A: Ok. Um there’s some feedback on here that’s actually are quite good. And um people are saying you are very efficient, and we really need frontline staff that are efficient like you and that’s really good. I know you’ve been training other people. There’s one concern that has been brought up a few times that is that you’re not smiling um at customers and greeting them and that’s really important for here.
B: That’s what I do though.
A: Um I think that you think you are, but I don’t think that people are perceiving that, so you need to put out more of an effort to really watch er, ah to see what your face is doing. If you look at uh Susan, she’s really good at that. That’s the person that you can kind of watch and see what she does when she greets people. And you can do something similar to that.
B: Ok.
A: Um is there an issue or problem?

Part 4: Explanations

Speaker 1

Manager: Hi Jack. How are you doing today?
Jack: Good, how are you?
Manager: Good. Listen, I need to talk to you about something and I said I’d just like to talk to out of way where there’s nobody around so we’re in private.
Jack: Ok.
Manager: Do you have a moment to come see me and come with me so we’re in private?
Jack: Sure. Manager: Good. Listen…

Speaker 2

Hi Brad. I just wanted to uh talk to you about um your job; how you’re feeling about it. Uh, if things are going ok and maybe personal life or is if there is any problems you are encountering with your job, people that you are working with? Um we’ve had some comments from customers.

Speaker 3

People are, are thinking that uh they’re not feeling like your service is very friendly.

Speaker 4

I noticed a few things over the last few weeks when you were interacting with our customers and I’ve noticed that you have been rather abrupt or you’re not really listening to what the customer is asking. That’s what I’ve been noticing.

Speaker 5

When people come to the counter, you don’t greet them, uh and you don’t smile at them. So that’s that’s what the feedback forms are saying. I’m pretty sure you have a perspective on this as well. So, tell me how you see the situation.

Speaker 6

Does that sound like something you might be able to work a little bit on?

Part 5: Awareness- Raising

Additional Listening 1

And I think we’ve got a little bit of work to do here and if you, if you think that you are making an effort towards that end, then uh I’d encourage you to keep it up, just try a little bit harder and and uh put on that happy face for our customers.

By the end of the lesson, EAL learners will:

  • be able to recognize different strategies for giving and receiving performance feedback
  • identify the cultural values that influence speakers' choice of words while they give feedback.

Workplace Scenario - Feedback

The audio for the lesson was recorded during role plays with staff and students at NorQuest College.

We asked these volunteers to role play the following scenario:

You work as a store manager at a service counter.

Your customers fill out feedback forms when they have some comments to make.

You constantly receive negative feedback on your frontline staff member who doesn’t greet customers or smile at them.

You need to talk to the staff member about performance.

What do you say to the staff member?

