
NorQuest College has an emergency response system in place to manage a coordinated response.

The best way to protect yourself in the case of an emergency is to know what to do before it happens. Be prepared and know what actions to take:

General emergency / crime

If you observe an emergency situation or criminal activity that requires a response, the following procedures will apply:

  • Evaluate the seriousness of the situation and, if applicable, call 911.
  • If the rapid evacuation of NorQuest College is deemed necessary, activate a fire alarm
  • Contact Security at 780.644.6225 (Desk) or 780.991.4573 (Cell), or Facilities at 780.644.6215.
  • If safe to do so, remain on the scene until a site emergency coordinator or emergency responder arrives.
  • Provide important information to authorities including event details and your contact information.
Medical emergency

A person requires attention to control a medical condition or transportation to medical facilities. Typical examples are serious injuries, heart attack, seizure, pregnancy complications, etc.

If you find yourself first on the scene:

  • If the medical emergency does not appear to require an ambulance, call the nurse at 780.913.9076
  • If the nurse is not available, call Security at 780.644.6225 (Desk) or 780.991.4573 (Cell).
  • If the medical emergency appears to need an ambulance, call 911 first then follow up with Security. Provide the following information:
    • ​location of injured person(s) – site, building, room number
    • nature of the medical emergency
    • your name and contact information
  • ​Perform first aid if trained to do so.
  • Do not move the injured person(s) unless they are in imminent danger.
  • Stay with the injured person(s) until the site emergency coordinator or emergency responders relieve you.
  • Remain on the site to assist if requested.
Threat of violence

NorQuest College is committed to providing a safe working environment for our employees, students and visitors. However, we live in a world where violence and threats of violence happen.

A threat of violence is defined as one person threatening another with either language, physical movement or a weapon indicating that they intend to harm that person.

Our process

At NorQuest we have had to deal with incidents where a threat of violence had been made toward a student or toward an employee.

When an incident is reported, we

  1. investigate the incident,
  2. do a threat assessment,
  3. report it to the EPS, and
  4. take any other action that is deemed necessary to manage the risk.

Although threats at our college are uncommon, you need to know what to do should you receive a threat or overhear a threat to another person.

What to do if you receive a threat

  1. Whenever possible seek a safe place by removing yourself from the person making the threat.
  2. If the situation poses a danger to personal safety or appears to be serious, call 911 immediately.
  3. At Edmonton campus, call Security at 780.991.4573.
  4. Call Facilities at 780.644.6215.
  5. Once you have done the above, notify your instructor or manager.
Active shooter or armed intruder

In this video you will learn what to do if you ever confront the unthinkable: an individual shooting at people at random in a populated area.

An active shooter or armed intruder is someone who is armed, usually with a gun or a knife, and is actively attempting to hurt others. Take action to protect yourself and others.

Get out, hide or fight!

Get out

If it is safe to do so, get out of the building or move away from the immediate path of danger.

Call 911

Make a SECOND CALL to Security at 780.644.6225 (Desk) or 780.991.4573 (Cell).


If you cannot escape, take cover behind a locked and barricaded door.

  • Close, lock, and barricade doors.
  • Close window blinds.
  • Stay away from windows.
  • Turn off lights.
  • Turn cell phones and electronic devices to silent.
  • Stay quiet.
  • Do not open door for anyone.
  • Remain in place until door is opened by police, then carefully follow instructions.


If confronted by the armed intruder, be prepared to fight and defend yourself. Be creative by using close-by items as a weapon if required.

  • Assist injured persons when safe to do so.
Bomb threat

NorQuest College could receive a telephone call or message that a bomb has been planted in the building or on the property.

If you receive a bomb threat, try to get as much information from the caller before they hang up:

  • Location of bomb?
  • When is it set to go off?
  • Phone number of caller if displayed
  • Why did they plant the bomb?
  • What does the caller sound like?
  • Is there any background noise that may assist with the investigation?
  • Retain all messages

Once the caller hangs up, immediately call Security at 780.644.6225 (Desk) or 780.991.4573 (Cell), or Facilities at 780.644.6215.


A lockdown is a protective measure that secures external and internal access points to retain occupants within rooms or spaces for their personal safety. A lockdown both restricts occupants from leaving while preventing access from unauthorized persons.

Upon hearing instructions for a lockdown procedure:

  • Close, lock, and barricade doors.
  • Close window blinds.
  • Stay away from windows.
  • Turn off lights.
  • Turn cell phones and electronic devices to silent.
  • Stay quiet.
  • Do not open door for anyone.
  • Remain in place until door is opened by police, then carefully follow police instructions.

Related instructions:

  • If the fire alarm is activated during a lockdown, remain in your secured space unless you see or smell smoke/fire.
  • Assist those with disabilities or special needs.
  • If caught in an open space during a lockdown, move to a room with a door.
  • If in a washroom during a lockdown, remain there and hide in a cubicle.
  • If in a stairwell during a lockdown, remain there but away from doors.
  • If outside during a lockdown, move away from the building and take safe cover.
  • If possible, note details of the situation to aid police:
    • number of intruders
    • description of intruders
    • types of weapons
    • location and movement of intruders
    • your current locations
    • injuries

Lockdown or lockout?

You may hear both of the above terms and it is important to know that they have distinct meanings:

  • A lockdown is a protective measure securing external and internal access points.
  • A lockout secures unauthorized persons from entering the building.
Evacuation (no fire alarm)

NorQuest College authorities may determine a need to evacuate a building, or a portion of it, without activating the fire alarm system. If such a decision is made, students, employees and visitors will be made aware of the evacuation through NorQuest College’s mass notification system.

Follow these evacuation instructions:

  • Immediately leave the building, in an orderly manner, by the nearest stairwell.
  • Do not use elevators during an emergency evacuation.
  • Assisting staff and students with disability:
    • Student and staff who are mobility impaired and unable to proceed down the stairs are to remain on the floor near the elevator landing if safe to do so and wait for assistance from Emergency Services personnel. Emergency warden will instruct someone to wait with them (usually a preassigned buddy already designated to help).
    • To assist deaf student or staff gain their attention and indicate directions for evacuation with gestures or notes
    • To assist visually impaired student or staff, announce your presence and offer to help guide them during evacuation
  • Do not change direction in stairwells.
  • Should designated exits be endangered, occupants are to proceed to an alternate exit without awaiting further direction.
  • Follow specific directions of a designated emergency warden. Failure to follow the direction of an emergency warden may result in disciplinary action.
  • After leaving the building, move away from the building as directed by authorities.
  • Everyone must remain outside the building until the 'all clear' signal is delivered.
Fire evacuation

The discovery of smoke or fire within a building represents an immediate threat to life and property. If you encounter smoke or fire conditions, immediately activate the nearest fire alarm.

If you encounter a NorQuest College official or security personnel, immediately identify yourself and describe where the smoke or fire was seen.

Follow these evacuation instructions:

  • Immediately leave the building, in an orderly manner, by the nearest stairwell.
  • Do not use elevators during an emergency evacuation.
  • Assisting staff and students with disability:
    • Student and staff who are mobility impaired and unable to proceed down the stairs are to remain on the floor near the elevator landing if safe to do so and wait for assistance from Emergency Services personnel. Emergency warden will instruct someone to wait with them (usually a preassigned buddy already designated to help).
    • To assist deaf student or staff gain their attention and indicate directions for evacuation with gestures or notes
    • To assist visually impaired student or staff, announce your presence and offer to help guide them during evacuation
  • Do not change direction in stairwells.
  • Should designated exits be endangered, occupants are to proceed to an alternate exit without awaiting further direction.
  • Follow specific directions of a designated emergency warden. Failure to follow the direction of an emergency warden may result in disciplinary action.
  • After leaving the building, move away from the building as directed by authorities.
  • Everyone must remain outside the building until the 'all clear' signal is delivered.

False alarms

  • Since all alarms are treated as real, the intentional sounding of a false alarm is a very serious offense. Any individual identified as having pulled an alarm without cause, will face possible termination from the program and the pressing of criminal charges.
  • Anyone having information related to a false alarm should call Facilities at 780.644.6215.
Hazardous materials release

The release of a hazardous (including radioactive, flammable, explosive, poisonous, or bio-hazardous) materials could pose as a danger to your health or the environment. If a hazardous materials release occurs, you may be directed to evacuate the building or take shelter-in-place depending on the nature and location of the release.

If you are the first person on the scene and you encounter what may be a hazardous materials release:

  • If possible, isolate the area to prevent others from unsafely encountering the substance.
  • Call Security at 780.644.6225 (Desk) or 780.991.4573 (Cell), or Facilities at 780.644.6215 from a safe location and provide the following information:
    • ​location of incident
    • injuries
    • name of chemical/substance if known
    • your name and contact information
  • ​Security and/or Facilities will respond to the scene and implement response actions which may include calling 911, activating fire alarm, or additional actions.
Suspicious package or object

Suspicious packages could be delivered to NorQuest College or be identified as a suspicious unattended object left in a public place.

If a suspicious package or object is discovered:

  • Move away from the object to a safe location.
  • Do not handle or smell the object – wash your hands with soap and water if you come in contact with it.
  • Call Security at 780.644.6225 (Desk) or 780.991.4573 (Cell), or Facilities at 780.644.6215.
  • If appropriate, clear the area and close any doors to the room it is located in.
  • Wait in a safe place until a site emergency coordinator relieves you.
  • Provide situation and contact details to authorities.
Severe thunderstorm or tornado

Severe weather may include heavy rain/snow/hail, thunderstorm, tornado, high winds, extreme temperatures, and extreme lightning which may need you to seek shelter.

Storm watch vs. storm warning

Storm watch: A watch means conditions are favourable for the development of a storm or condition.

Storm warning: A warning means that there is evidence that threatening conditions are either occurring or are imminent.

Upon hearing a severe weather alert:

  • Listen to and follow any instructions provided via the mass notification system.
  • Proceed calmly, and direct others, to the core of the building at its lowest level (basement).
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Stay away from windows and doors. Seek further protection by sheltering under desks and shield head with arms if needed.
  • If caught outdoors, lie flat in a ditch, ravine or other low lying area, and shield head with arms.
  • If caught outdoors during a lightning storm, keep away from trees and power lines. Remaining in a car is an ideal option.
  • Remain in the protected area until informed that the warning has ended or an all clear signal has been delivered.
Utility outage

An outage can occur with various utilities and related building systems including electricity, lighting, water, sewer, telecommunications, elevators, heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

If you are first to discover a serious utility outage:

  • Call Security at 780.644.6225 (Desk) or 780.991.4573 (Cell), or Facilities at 780.644.6215 and provide the following information:
    • description and location of outage (site, building, floor, room number)
    • your name and contact information
  • ​Do not touch any electrical switches or devices.
  • Cautiously move away from danger to an area with emergency lighting or natural light.
  • Follow the directions of NorQuest College officials.
  • In the case of a power failure, turn off power to all electrical equipment (such as computers and printers) to protect them from the effects of power surges once power is restored.
  • In the case of a flood, do not walk through water if at all possible as it may be hazardous.