Meet Tareq Hadhad, the founder of Peace by Chocolate

March 9, 2023

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Edmonton - SCFL, Atrium

Meet Tareq Hadhad, the founder of Peace by Chocolate Image

Who is Tareq Hadhad? 

Tareq is a Syrian refugee with an inspiring story of success! Starting with a small store built by the community to a multi-million dollar business that gives back to the community, he and his family share their family tradition and products around the world. 

For nearly 30 years, the Hadhad family created and shipped their specialty treats all over the Middle East and Europe. In late 2012, the original Hadhad family chocolate factory in Damascus, Syria was destroyed in a bombing that forced the family to leave everything behind and flee to Lebanon. 

After three years of living in a Lebanese refugee camp, the family emigrated to Canada. The Haddad family rebuilt their chocolate company in 2016 with the support of the community of Antigonish, Nova Scotia. 

From Syria to a camp in Lebanon to Antigonish, this Canadian story of hope has been immortalized in the movie Peace By Chocolate, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival.  

Watch the movie trailer here 

Tareq’s story shows that you can change your life and go on to transform the lives of others. 

Join us at the Atrium on the 9th of March at 11:00 am – 12:00 pm to be inspired.