NorQuest highlights key research projects as Top 50 Research College rankings released.
December 18, 2024
NorQuest highlights key research projects as ‘Top 50 Research College’ rankings released.
NorQuest college is proud to have its applied research efforts recognized on a national ranking. One of the distinguishing aspects of applied research is its use of collaboration, which NorQuest leverages to brainstorm ideas with the help of community organizations and local businesses. The ability to co-create and co-develop innovative projects which result in solutions that address real-world challenges is one of the reasons NorQuest prioritizes applied research in its strategic plans. Through supporting the inspired ideas that stem from these partnerships, NorQuest’s research projects lead to tangible solutions that create a lasting impact.
While the college actively celebrates the innovation that comes out of this space, it is proud to be recognized on Research Infosource Inc’s rankings of Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges. In 2023, NorQuest placed 25th and is excited to have moved up to the 15th spot on the 2024 list. In addition to the overall rankings, the college also placed 3rd in research income growth, 7th in number of partnerships, and 10th in completed projects.
“We are seeing exciting trends emerge within our college community, especially when it comes to student engagement in applied research,” said Patti Hergott, Dean of Research and Academic Innovation. “We have many students interested in research though our community-based initiatives. These opportunities not only allow students to make an impact before they graduate but also enhance their employability by giving them with valuable, real-world skills.”
The immeasurable student experience is partly thanks to NorQuest’s belief in the importance of community partnerships. Working collaboratively with its partners is crucial in understanding the needs of society and being able to identify key industry problems that require solutions. It is this collaboration and innovative thinking that has led to the development of some of NorQuest’s ongoing research projects, including the ones listed below.
At NorQuest College, Applied Research is about making a tangible difference in the communities the college serves. By empowering students, collaborating with employers, and addressing societal challenges, NorQuest aims to foster a community of innovators who are equipped to shape the future. Through ongoing research initiatives, NorQuest’s applied researchers are solving real-world problems and improving the lives of Edmontonians, Albertans, and Canadians.
Ongoing projects:
Surveying the factors contributing to newcomer employment
This project looks at groups of newcomers arriving to Edmonton, with English language learning needs. The goal is to learn as much as possible with regards to their employment and quality of employment to see what can be applied to additional programming and support.
Clear transparency: Quality of work for Autistic Youth
This research analyzed the factors of good quality work for Autistic youth. This included analyzing income policies, and economic and social return on investment for Autism CanTech! and other employment support programs.
Pathways to energy democracy in Canada
The project examines community-based renewable energy (CRE) efforts, including co-operatives and Indigenous clean energy projects, as pathways to energy democracy and justice. As there is little research on how well these projects meet social, economic, and environmental goals, this study aims to explore and enhance the role of CRE projects in advancing equitable energy solutions for diverse communities across Canada.
Impact of COVID-19 in Post-secondary Learning and Teaching
This project’s main objective is to study the experiences of students and teachers during periods of remote learning throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The outcomes note the impacts of digital literacy, institutional support, and overall wellbeing on individuals’ experiences with virtual learning.
Report: "Experiences of Post-Secondary Educators During COVID-19 Pandemic"
Improving mental health awareness and social service navigation for African, Caribbean, and Black communities in Alberta
This objective of this study is to improve mental health awareness in African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) communities. One of the lesser-known barriers for these communities is language, as most African languages do not have direct translations to some signs and symptoms of mental health. This study looks at developing mental health awareness materials in different languages to act as a toolkit.