New Year, Same Me

January 12, 2021

By Rebecca Small, NorQuest Wellness Coordinator, Centre for Growth and Harmony

New Year, Same Me
For free mental health support and more info, contact the Centre for Growth & Harmony at 780.644.6155

Well, we made it! Somehow it felt like 2020 lasted for five days and also 17 years simultaneously, but here we are. It’s finally 2021 and I’m feeling ready to take on this new year by doing absolutely nothing different.

For the first time in my adult life, I didn’t even give the concept of New Year’s resolutions a thought. After all, I was impressed to just make it out of last year relatively unscathed, so much so that it feels like 2021 is a bonus year at this point. And so, as I try to comprehend where I am and what day it is, I’m reminded that January is likely going to be an extension of a very bizarre and draining 2020.

I’m also reminded – literally every time I open social media – that there is a whole lot of pressure to make grand plans and set challenging goals with huge aspirations in January. But why? January sucks! There’s the post-holiday comedown, the full inbox and intimidating to-do lists, and cold, dark days that even for a hardcore winter-lover can make it harder than most months of the year. So why do we pile ridiculous expectations on ourselves, especially after the last ten months of chaos we’ve just endured? Beats me.

Usually I would succumb to the pressure and fabricate some very exciting (read: unrealistic) goals for myself. I’d announce them to my people in a bold gesture, only to forget about them weeks later and then inevitably feel like a failure in short time when I remember the magical realigned superhuman that I was supposed to have transformed into. So, this year, I’ve decided to do none of the above. My energy will be focused on self-care, slowing down, and returning to a realistic version of myself that might not transform the world, but will be able to get through the next twelve months successfully and healthily.

Let this serve as a reminder of the storm we’ve weathered – and continue to weather – amidst a global pandemic; it’s been exhausting and challenging in ways we never imagined. Let this be permission to just be. It’s okay to enter the new year as messily and perfectly flawed as you ended the last. And let this be an invitation to put yourself and your needs first, particularly your mental health.

This year, Bell Let’s Talk Day is on January 28. This campaign raises awareness and funds, tackles stigma, and keeps the conversations around mental health going. We’ll be posting resources, virtual activities, and an online photobooth where you can post selfies and encouraging messages using the Bell filters. Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming information and ideas on how to get involved!

If you do find yourself struggling and in need of support, remember that the Centre for Growth & Harmony can help. To book a free and confidential appointment with a counsellor or social worker, email or call 780.644.6155. A reminder that we’re also offering Wellness Wednesdays online every 1st and third Wednesday of the month. Head to for more info!

By Rebecca Small, NorQuest Wellness Coordinator, Centre for Growth and Harmony