Business and industry solutions

Business growth and the expansion of industry sectors in Canada are vital in creating a vibrant economy where everyone can participate in economic success. Business and industry-related research is routinely undertaken to uncover technology trends and to develop and evaluate practical, real-world solutions that increase commercialization opportunities to enable economic benefits and solve social issues.

NorQuest researchers have relevant industry experience and work collaboratively with businesses and industries to understand their specific needs and goals. With industry-friendly intellectual property practices, NorQuest has successfully worked with many companies to support their efforts to overcome challenges and create innovative products and services.

Below are two examples of research undertaken in partnership with business and industry. Both show how NorQuest College faculty and students work with local businesses and organizations to research and develop solutions to administrative and operational challenges the businesses are facing.

The Westchester Boxing Project

  • Project lead: Karim Hemmat
  • Project duration: 2023-2024, 2024-2025
  • Project partner: Westchester Amateur Boxing

About the project

In this course-based community and industry research project, students in NorQuest College’s Business program researched and identified business challenges facing a local gym, Westchester Boxing Club. Students met with the gym's owners to understand their concerns, learn about the business, and brainstorm ways to improve operations.

Working in teams, the students developed plans and proposals that they ultimately pitched to the owners, focusing on marketing, budgeting, and business process solutions. The Club selected and implemented their preferred solutions, providing students with valuable hands-on experience as business consultants.

Not only did Westchester Boxing Club benefit from the student consultation and support, but it also embraced the concept of reciprocity and gave back in its own way. Westchester Boxing Club provided all interested students with access to introductory training and boxing classes. This collaboration not only enhanced students' learning experiences, confidence, and industry exposure but also promoted their physical wellness and overall well-being.

Watch a video to learn more about this and similar projects

Accounting Hub – Innovative WIL Project

  • Project lead: Ben Antifaiff
  • Funding dates: 2024-2025
  • Project partners:
    • Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) Educational Foundation Alberta
    • City of Edmonton

About the project

The Accounting Hub connects NorQuest students with the community by offering accounting support to local not-for-profit businesses (NFP) while providing students with innovative and engaging work experience.

Designed as an innovative community and industry research project to practice learning outcomes acquired in program courses, students and instructors support the accounting needs of not-for-profit (NFP) organizations from within their community.

Many NFPs are small organizations run mostly by volunteers who do not have or have very limited business and financial experience. They also often have limited resources and skills to do accounting work alone. This creates a significant risk to the organization’s fiduciary obligations.

Local not-for-profit organizations that collaborate with the Accounting Hub act as "employer partners." Students, supervised by a qualified instructor, provide accounting services to the NFPs for a set period of time. Students review the NFP's records, assist in statement checking and software utilization, and provide recommendations for improvements. Instructors review the students' work, provide feedback, and ensure a high-quality service experience.

For the pilot program, community organizations were specifically chosen from participants sponsored by the City of Edmonton to take NorQuest’s non-credit not-for-profit accounting course. However, future iterations of the project will be open to all NFPs.

The Accounting Hub is a unique project that envisions providing creative learning opportunities for our students while attracting new employers to become college partners, delivering great benefits to the community.