LINC Works

LINC Works integrates essential skills, entry-level certifications, and facilitated work placements into programming for newcomers to better prepare them to enter the workforce and maintain employment.

The project focuses on LINC learners at CLB levels 3 and 5, and will be applicable for a variety of platforms including rural deliveries as well as other English as a Second Language (ESL) programs for newcomers.

Project highlights

  • Complete modules (e.g. Workplace Culture, Job Basics, and Introduction to Customer Service) and certificate/ticket preparation (e.g. WHMIS, First Aid, Food Safety) include: a module plan, lesson plan, handouts and skill-building activities, reflections, and PBLA tasks
  • Materials are classified as open education resources and can be modified by users to suit learner and program needs
  • Material includes a guide and classroom resources for a facilitated work experience course at the CLB 5 level provides newcomers with the desired Canadian experience and increased marketability
  • Teacher training resources including videos and workshops to help instructors integrate the material into their platform and provide a basic understanding of the essential skills
  • Revised and updated Canadian Language Benchmarks and Essential Skills: A Comparative Framework

Project sections

Other project information

Project leads
  • Lisa Rochman
    Associate Dean,
    Faculty of Skills and Foundational Learning,
    NorQuest College

  • Kim Chaba
    Faculty of Skills and Foundational Learning,
    NorQuest College

The LINC Works project works with stakeholders across Canada to ensure there is pan-Canadian input.

This project was funded by the Government of Canada's Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program.

Contact information