
Once you have applied, the Office of the Registrar can check your previous coursework from another institution to see if it is equivalent to what your program needs.

Provide your official transcripts to have your previous coursework evaluated. We will compare grades from your previous education with your program’s requirements. If we need more information, we may ask you to submit a course outline (or syllabus) for the course we need to check.

Canadian high school equivalency

View Canadian high school courses that NorQuest College accepts as equivalent to Alberta courses.

Alberta high school courses British Columbia high school equivalents
English Language Arts 30-1 English 12
English Studies 12
English Language Arts 12
English First Peoples (EFP) 12
English Literature 12
Literary Studies 12
Composition 12
English Language Arts 30-2 Communications 12
Technical and Professional Communications 12
Creative Writing 12
English Language Arts 20-1 English 11
Composition 11
Literary Studies 11
EFP: Literary Studies + Writing 11
English Language Arts 20-2 Communications 11
Technical and Professional Communications 11
Creative Writing 11
English Language Arts 10-1 English 10
Composition 10
Literary Studies 10
EFP: Literary Studies 10
English Language Arts 10-2 Communications 10
Technical and Professional Communications 10
Creative Writing 10
Language Arts 30-2 (Other Languages) 12-level or 12A-level language (other than English)
Social Studies 30-1 History 12
Mathematics 30-1 Pre-Calculus 12
Principles of Math 12
Mathematics 12 (Algebra)
Geometry 12
Mathematics 30-2 Foundations of Math 12
Applications of Math 12
Mathematics 31 (Calculus) Calculus 12 or AP Calculus 12
Mathematics 20-1 Principles of Math 11
Pre-Calculus 11
Mathematics 20-2 Applications of Math 11
Foundations of Math 11
Mathematics 10C Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 10
Applications of Math 10
Principles of Math 10
Mathematics 10-3 Essentials of Math 10
Apprenticeship & Workplace Math 10
Introductory Mathematics 10
Biology 30 Biology 12
Anatomy & Physiology 12 (since 2018)
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 12
Physics 30 Physics 12
Alberta high school courses Manitoba high school equivalents
English Language Arts 30-1 English 40S (2 credits at 40S level; Comprehensive, Literary, or Transactional Focus)
English Language Arts 30-2 English 40S (1 credit at 40S level; Comprehensive, Literary, or Transactional Focus)
English 40G
English Language Arts 20-1 English 30S (2 credits at 30S level)
English Language Arts 20-2 English 30S (1 credit at 30S level)
English Language Arts 10-1 English 20S
English Language Arts 10-2 n/a
Language Arts 30-2 (Other Languages) 40S level language (other than English)
Social Studies 30-1 History: Western Civilization 40S
Global Issues 40S
Mathematics 30-1 Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S
Math 40S
Mathematics 30-2 Applied Mathematics 40S or 40G
Math 40G
Mathematics 31 (Calculus) Calculus 40S
Calculus 45S and Advanced Mathematics 45S
Mathematics 20-1 Pre-Calculus Math 30S
Mathematics 20-2 Applied Mathematics 30S
Mathematics 10C Applied or Pre-Calculus Math 20S
Mathematics 10-3 Essential Math 20S
Consumer Mathematics 20S
Biology 30 Biology 40S
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 40S
Physics 30 Physics 40S
Alberta high school courses New Brunswick high school equivalents
English Language Arts 30-1 English 121 or 122
Anglais 126B
English Language Arts 30-2 English 123
English Language Arts 20-1 English 111 or 112
English Language Arts 20-2 English 113
English Language Arts 10-1 English 9/10
English Language Arts 10-2 n/a
Language Arts 30-2 (Other Languages) French 121, French 122, Latin 122, 126-level Language or French Immersion Language Arts 120
Social Studies 30-1 Canadian History 120 or 122
World Issues 120
Mathematics 30-1 Pre-Calculus 120A and 120B
Advanced Math with Intro to Calculus 120
Trigonometry and 3-Space 121 or 122
Mathematics 30-2 Foundations of Mathematics 120
Mathematics 31 (Calculus) Calculus 120 or AP Calculus
Mathematics 20-1 Pre-Calculus 110
Mathematics 20-2 Foundations of Mathematics 110
Math 112
Applications in Mathematics 113
Mathematics 10C Number, Relations and Functions 10
Mathematics 10-3 Geometry, Measurement and Finance 10
Biology 30 Biology 121 or 122
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 121 or 122
Physics 30 Physics 121 or 122
Alberta high school courses Newfoundland and Labrador high school equivalents
English Language Arts 30-1 English 3201
Thematic Literature 3201
Literary Heritage 3202 and Language 3101
English Language Arts 30-2 English 3202
Literary Heritage 3202
Language 3101
English Language Arts 20-1 English 2201
English Language Arts 20-2 English 2202
English Language Arts 10-1 English 1201
English Language Arts 10-2 English 1202
Language Arts 30-2 (Other Languages) 3200 Level Language (other than English)
Social Studies 30-1 World History 3201
Histoire Mondiale 3231
Mathematics 30-1 Advanced Mathematics 3201
Math 3200
Math 3204 or 3205
Math 3103
Mathematics 30-2 Academic Mathematics 3201
Math 3206
Mathematics 31 (Calculus) Calculus 3208
Mathematics 20-1 Advanced Mathematics 2201
Mathematics 2204 or 2205
Mathematics 20-2 Academic Mathematics 2201
Math 2206
Mathematics 10C Mathematics 1201
Math 1204
Mathematics 10-3 n/a
Biology 30 Biology 3201
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 3202
Physics 30 Physics 3204
Alberta high school courses Nova Scotia high school equivalents
English Language Arts 30-1 English 12: Academic or Advanced
English 12: African Heritage
Canadian Literature 12
English Language Arts 30-2 English/Communications 12
English Language Arts 20-1 Advanced English 11
English 11
English Language Arts 20-2 English/Communications 11
Technical Reading and Writing 11
English Language Arts 10-1 English 10
English Language Arts 10-2 n/a
Language Arts 30-2 (Other Languages) 12-level Language (other than English)
Social Studies 30-1 Global History 12
Mathematics 30-1 Pre-Calculus Math 12
Advanced Mathematics 12
Mathematics 30-2 Academic Mathematics 12
Math Foundations 12
Mathematics 31 (Calculus) Calculus 12
Mathematics 20-1 Advanced Mathematics 11
Pre-Calculus 11
Mathematics 20-2 Mathematics 11 (Academic)
Mathematics Foundations 11
Mathematics 10C Mathematics 10 (Academic)
Mathematics Foundations 10
Mathematics 10-3 Mathematics at Work 10
Mathematics Essentials 10
Biology 30 Biology 12
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 12
Physics 30 Physics 12
Alberta high school courses Ontario high school equivalents
English Language Arts 30-1 English ENG4U (excluding English Writer’s Craft EWC4U)
Studies in Literature ETS4U
Anglais EAE4U
OAC English
English Language Arts 30-2 English ENG4C
English Language Arts 20-1 English ENG3U
English Language Arts 20-2 English ENG3C
English Language Arts 10-1 English Academic ENG2D
English Language Arts 10-2 English Applied ENG2P
Language Arts 30-2 (Other Languages) Any Language at Level 4 or 5 (other than English)
Social Studies 30-1 Canada: History Identity and Culture CHI4U
World History: The West and the World CHY4U
OAC History
Mathematics 30-1 Advanced Functions MHF4U
Mathematics of Data Management MDM4U
OAC Algebra/Geometry
Mathematics 30-2 Mathematics for College Technology MCT4C (old code: MTT4G)
Foundations for College Mathematics MAP4C
Mathematics 31 (Calculus) Calculus and Vectors MCV4U
Mathematics 20-1 Functions MCR3U
Mathematics 20-2 Foundations for College Mathematics MBF3C
Functions and Applications MCF3M
Mathematics 10C Foundations of Mathematics MFM2P
Principles of Mathematics MPM2D
Mathematics 10-3 MAT2L (Locally developed math)
Biology 30 Biology SBI4U
OAC Biology
Chemistry 30 Chemistry SCH4U
OAC Chemistry
Physics 30 Physics SPH4U
OAC Physics
Alberta high school courses Prince Edward Island high school equivalents
English Language Arts 30-1 English 611A
English 621A
English Language Arts 30-2 English 631A
English Language Arts 20-1 English 521A
English Language Arts 20-2 English 531A
English Language Arts 10-1 English 421A
English (Pre-IB) 421B
English Language Arts 10-2 English 431A
Language Arts 30-2 (Other Languages) 621-level Language (other than English)
Social Studies 30-1 Canadian History 621A
Mathematics 30-1 Pre-Calculus (MAT621B)
Mathematics 30-2 Foundations of Mathematics 12 (MAT621A)
Mathematics 31 (Calculus) Calculus (MAT611B)
Mathematics 20-1 Pre-Calculus 11 (MAT521B)
Mathematics 20-2 Foundations of Mathematics 11 (MAT521A)
Mathematics 10C Foundations of Mathematics & Pre-Calculus 10
(MAT421A or MAT421B)
Mathematics 10-3 Apprenticeship & Workplace Mathematics 10 (MAT421K)
Biology 30 Biology - BIO621A
Chemistry 30 Advanced Chemistry - CHM611A
Chemistry - CHM621A
Physics 30 Physics - PHY621A
Alberta high school courses Quebec high school equivalents
English Language Arts 30-1 English Literature courses numbered in the 603 series (CEGEP level)
English Language Arts 30-2 n/a
English Language Arts 20-1 English language arts courses at the Year 11 level
English Language Arts 10-1 English language arts courses at the Year 10 level
Language Arts 30-2 (Other Languages) CEGEP level language arts other than English. Courses numbered in the 601 series (Francais), or 607 to 616 series (Other Languages)
Social Studies 30-1 History courses numbered in the 330 Series (CEGEP level)
Mathematics 30-1 Mathematics courses numbered in the 201 Series, excluding Statistics (CEGEP level)
Mathematics 30-2 n/a
Mathematics 31 (Calculus) Series 201 -Calculus I (CEGEP level)
Mathematics 20-1 Math courses at the Grade 11 level
Mathematics 10C Math courses at the Grade 10 level
Biology 30 Biology courses numbered in the 101 Series (CEGEP level)
Chemistry 30 Chemistry courses numbered in the 202 Series (CEGEP level)
Physics 30 Physics courses numbered in the 203 Series (CEGEP evel)
Alberta high school courses Saskatchewan high school equivalents
English Language Arts 30-1 English Language Arts A30 and B30

Francophone or French Immersion applicants who present a 30 level Francais or French Language Arts course (FLA) need only present ELA A30 or B30 to meet the English 30-1 requirement
English Language Arts 30-2 English Language Arts A31 and B31
Literature 30
English Language Arts 20-1 English Language Arts 20
English Language Arts 20-2 Communication Studies 20
Creative Writing 20
English Language Arts 10-1 English Language Arts A10 and B10
English Language Arts 10-2 n/a
Language Arts 30-2 (Other Languages) 30-level language arts (other than English)
Social Studies 30-1 History 30
Native Studies 30
Social Studies 30
Sciences Sociales 30
Mathematics 30-1 Pre-Calculus 30
Math B30 and C30
Mathematics 30-2 Foundations of Mathematics 30
Math A30 or B30
Mathematics 31 (Calculus) Calculus 30
Mathematics 20-1 Pre-Calculus 20
Mathematics 20-2 Foundations of Mathematics 20
Mathematics 10C Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10
Mathematics 10-3 Workplace and Apprenticeship Mathematics 10
Biology 30 Biology 30
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 30
Physics 30 Physics 30
Alberta high school courses Northwest Territories high school equivalents
Northwest Territories and Alberta use the same high school curriculum. All course codes are the same.
Alberta high school courses Nunavut high school equivalents
Nunavut and Alberta use the same high school curriculum. All course codes are the same.
Alberta high school courses Yukon high school equivalents
English Language Arts 30-1 English 12
English Studies 12
English Language Arts 12
English First Peoples (EFP) 12
English Literature 12
Literary Studies 12
Composition 12
English Language Arts 30-2 Communications 12
Technical and Professional Communications 12
Creative Writing 12
English Language Arts 20-1 English 11
Composition 11
Literary Studies 11
EFP: Literary Studies + Writing 11
English Language Arts 20-2 Communications 11
Technical and Professional Communications 11
Creative Writing 11
English Language Arts 10-1 English 10
Composition 10
Literary Studies 10
EFP: Literary Studies 10
English Language Arts 10-2 Communications 10
Technical and Professional Communications 10
Creative Writing 10
Language Arts 30-2 (Other Languages) 12-level or 12A-level language (other than English)
Social Studies 30-1 History 12
Mathematics 30-1 Pre-Calculus 12
Principles of Math 12
Mathematics 12 (Algebra)
Geometry 12
Mathematics 30-2 Foundations of Math 12
Applications of Math 12
Mathematics 31 (Calculus) Calculus 12 or AP Calculus 12
Mathematics 20-1 Principles of Math 11
Pre-Calculus 11
Mathematics 20-2 Applications of Math 11
Foundations of Math 11
Mathematics 10C Foundations of Math 10
Pre-Calculus 10
Applications of Math 10
Principles of Math 10
Mathematics 10-3 Essentials of Math 10
Apprenticeship & Workplace Math 10
Introductory Mathematics 1
Biology 30 Biology 12
Anatomy & Physiology 12 (since 2018)
Chemistry 30 Chemistry 12
Physics 30 Physics 12

Are you trying to meet admission requirements at NorQuest College and your course code from another province is not listed? We may ask you to provide a course syllabus or other information so that we can see if the course is equivalent.

International high school credentials

When you apply to a post-secondary program at NorQuest, we base your admission on your education at the senior secondary/high school level, or higher. If you completed your education in another country, you must submit your official documents and credentials that show coursework equivalent to the admission requirements.

Your official documents must be submitted directly to NorQuest College by the issuing institution. If not, your results must be independently verifiable online. See Transcripts for more information and for details about requesting conditional admission with unofficial transcripts.

Refer to the requirements below for the country in which you completed high school. You may also submit other documents if they provide more information about your previous coursework. In some cases, we may need official examination certificates as well as high school transcripts.

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Destese Pjekurie (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Needed credentials:

Baccalaureat de L’Enseignement Secondaire

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Diploma of Pre-University Education

Needed credentials:


GCE ‘A’ Levels*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

CAPE / GCE ‘A’ Levels*

CXC / GCE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Koledg (Mijnakarg Yndhanur Krtoutian Attestat)

Additional year of PS studies at University

Needed credentials:

Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs Certificate

Needed credentials:

Australian Capital Territory Year 12 Certificate

New South Wales Higher School Certificate

Northern Territory Senior Secondary Studies Certificate

Queensland Senior Certificate

South Australian Certificate of Education

Tasmanian Certificate of Education

Victorian Certificate of Education

Western Australian Certificate of Secondary Education

Needed credentials:

Reifeprufungzeugnis (Maturity Certificate)

Needed credentials:

Certificate of General Education*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:


GCE ‘A’ Levels*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Tawjihiya (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Needed credentials:

Higher Secondary Certificate

Needed credentials:

CAPE / GCE ‘A’ Levels*

CXC / GCE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Atestat o Srednem Obrazovanii

Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazovanii

Needed credentials:

Certificate of Higher Secondary Education

Needed credentials:

CAPE / GCE ‘A’ Levels*

CXC / GCE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Baccalaureat de I’Enseignment Secondaire

Needed credentials:

Freshman Year at Bermuda college

IGCSE ‘O’ Levels*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

School Certificate

Needed credentials:

Bachiller en Humanidades

Needed credentials:

Secondary School Leaving Diploma

Needed credentials:


GCE ‘A’ Levels*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Certificado de Conclusao de 2 Grau/or Vestibular (University Entrance Exams)

Needed credentials:


GCE ‘A’ Levels*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Diploma Za Sredno Obrazovanie

Needed credentials:

Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré / Diplôme du baccalauréat de I'Enseignement Général

Needed credentials:

Diplome des Humanites Completes/Diplôme d'Etat (et Relève de Notes)

Needed credentials:

Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement Secondaire du 2eme Cycle

Needed credentials:

Baccalaureat / GCE ‘A’ Levels and ‘O’ Levels

Needed credentials:

Certificado da Habilitações Literárias

Needed credentials:

GCE ‘A’ Levels* CSEC/GCE ‘O’ Levels


* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Licencia de Educacion Media

Needed credentials:

Joint Senior Middle School Graduation Exam Results Academic Level Exam (depending on the province in which you studied) Senior Middle School Diploma including the three year high school transcript University Entrance Exam Results (if completed) All of these required documents, except the three year high school transcript (which is issued by your high school), must be issued from a higher education authority (provincial or municipal level).

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Secondary School Leaving Diploma

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:


Bitrime Diplomasi

Needed credentials:

Maturitni Vysvedceni (Maturity Certificate)

Needed credentials:

Diplome d’Etat d’Etudes secondaire du Cycle Long

Needed credentials:

Studentere Ksamen

Needed credentials:

Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire plus Bulletins de Notes/Relevés de Notes

Needed credentials:

CXC ‘O’ Levels results*

One Year at Dominica State College

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Shehaadat al-thaanawiya al-'aama (General Secondary Education Certificate)

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:


GCE ‘A’ Levels*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Secondary Education Certificate Examination (ESECE)

Needed credentials:

Keskooli Loputunnistus

Needed credentials:

School Leaving Certificate and one of Ethiopian General Education Certificate

Examination/Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination

Needed credentials:

Form VII Examination / Junior Certificate Examination results and School Leaving

Certificate with results

Needed credentials:

Matriculation Certificate/Secondary School Leaving Certificate

Needed credentials:

Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement du second degree

Baccalaureat General

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

West African Senior School Certificate Examination/WASSCE issued by the West African Examinations Council WAEC

Needed credentials:

Zogadi Sashualo Ganatlebis Atestati

Needed credentials:


Allegemeine Hochschulreife

Needed credentials:

West African Senior School Certificate Examination/WASSCE issued by the West African Examinations Council WAEC

Needed credentials:

Apolytiron (School Leaving Certificate)

Needed credentials:

GCE ‘A’ Levels*

CEC / GCE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Secondary School Diploma

Needed credentials:

CAPE / GCE ‘A’ Levels*

CXC / GCE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Baccalaureat and Diplome d’Eseignement Secondaire

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

HKCEE (Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination)

HKALE (Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination)

Needed credentials:

Erettsegi Bizonyitvany (Maturity Certificate)

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

All India Senior Scondary Certificate (Grade 12)

All India Secondary Certificates (Grade 10)

Higher Secondary School Certificate

Needed credentials:

Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar – Sekolah Meningah Umum Tingat Atas

Needed credentials:

Diplom (year 12)

Pre-University Year

Needed credentials:

Adadiyah (Sixth Form Baccalaureate)

Needed credentials:

Leaving Certificate

Needed credentials:

Teudrat Bagrut (Matriculation Certificate)

Needed credentials:

Diploma di Maturita Magistrale (Secondary School Certificate)

Needed credentials:

Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré Baccalauréat

Needed credentials:

CAPE / GCE ‘A’ Levels*

CSEC / GCE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Needed credentials:

Tawjihiya (General Secondary Education Certificate

Needed credentials:

Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazovanii

Attestat o Srednem obscem Obrazovanii

Needed credentials:

Certificate of Secondary Education (Kenya National Examinations Council)

Needed credentials:

Shahadat al-thanawia (Secondary School Certificate)

Needed credentials:

Attestat o Srednem obshchem Obrazavanii

Needed credentials:

Atestats Par Visparejo Videjo Izglitiby

Needed credentials:

Baccalaureate (academic Streat)

Needed credentials:

Cambrdge Overseas School Certificate

Needed credentials:

West African Senior School Certificate Examination/WASSCE issued by the West African Examinations Council WAEC

Needed credentials:

General Secondary Education Certificate*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Berufsmaturitatszeugnis (Maturity Certificate)

Needed credentials:

Brandos atestatas

Needed credentials:

Diplome de Fin D’Etuded Secondaires

Needed credentials:

Secondary School Certificate

Needed credentials:

Svidetelstvo za zavreno sredno obrazovanie (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Needed credentials:

Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement secondaire

Needed credentials:

Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate

Needed credentials:



Needed credentials:


GCE ‘A’ Levels*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:


Mali- Baccalureat Malien

Needed credentials:

Matriculation Certificate and Secondary Education Examination Certificate

Needed credentials:

Baccalaureat de L’Enseignemnet du Second Degre

Needed credentials:


GCE ‘A’ Levels*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Diploma de Baccalaureat

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Matura/Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Diploma o Polozenom Maturskom Ispitu/ Diploma o Zavrsenoj Srednojoj Skoli, indicating all subjects you studied, and grades obtained.

Needed credentials:

Certificado de Habilitacao es Literarias

Needed credentials:

Basic Education High School Examination “A” Stream

Needed credentials:

GCE ‘A’ Levels*

IGCSE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Proficiency Certificate

Needed credentials:

VWO (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Needed credentials:

National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA- Year 12)

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

West African Senior School Certificate Examination / WASSCE issued by the West African Examinations Council WAEC

National Examinations Council (NECO) issued SSCE / GCE

Needed credentials:


GCE ‘A’ Levels*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Vitnemal Fra Videregaende Skole

Needed credentials:

Secondary School General Certificate

Needed credentials:

Higher Secondary School Certificate

Needed credentials:

Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate)

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Senior High School Certificate>

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Certificado de Educacion Secundaria Comun Completa

Needed credentials:

Senior High School Diploma/Katibayan (grade 12) and transcript (beginning 2018) and/or all higher education transcripts.

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Certificado de Fin Estudos Secondarios

Needed credentials:

General Secondary Education Certificate*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Diploma de Bacalaureat

Needed credentials:

Attesta o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii

Needed credentials:
  • Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires
  • Rwanda Advanced Certificate of Education
  • Secondary Education Advanced Level Examination certificate (SEALEC)/ Certificat du Cycle Supérieur de l'Enseignement Secondaire
  • Diplôme d’Humanités Générales
  • A2 Diploma (Diplome d’Etudes Secondaires Professionnelles A2)
  • any other senior secondary leaving certificate
Needed credentials:

Diploma di Maturite

Needed credentials:

General Secondary Education Certificate*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Scottish Qualifications Authority Certificate (SQA)

Needed credentials:

Have not established the secondary school credentials for this country

Needed credentials:

Matura/Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi, indicating all subjects you studied, and grades obtained.

Needed credentials:

West African Senior School Certificate Examination/WASSCE issued by the West African Examinations Council WAEC

Needed credentials:


GCE ‘A’ Levels*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Maturitne Vysvedcenie

Needed credentials:

Secondary School Leaving Certificate

Needed credentials:

Solomon Islands School Certificate

Needed credentials:


GCE ‘A’ Levels*

Secondary School Leaving Certificate

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Senior Certificate with Matriculation endorsement

Needed credentials:

High School Leaving Academic Certificate

Needed credentials:

Titulo de Bachillerato

Needed credentials:


GCE ‘A’ Levels*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate and General Certificate of Education “Advanced Levels”*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

GCE ‘A’ Levels*

CXC / GCE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

GCE ‘A’ Levels*

CXC / GCE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Secondary School Certificate

Needed credentials:

Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs Certificate

Needed credentials:

Cambridge Overseas School Certificate

Needed credentials:

Avgangsbetyg (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Needed credentials:

Maturitat (Maturity Certificate)

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Senior High School Leaving Certificate

Needed credentials:

Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii

Needed credentials:

Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations*

Certificate Secondary Education Examinations

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Mathayom 6

Needed credentials:

Diplome Universitaire d'Etudes

Baccalaureat De L'Enseignement Secondaire General

Needed credentials:

Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate

Needed credentials:

GCE ‘A’ Levels*

CXC / GCE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Lise Diplomasi

Needed credentials:

Secondary school leaving certificate

Needed credentials:

GCE ‘A’ Levels*

CXC / GCE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Advanced Certificate of Education*

Certificate of Education

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Atestat/Matriculation School Certificate

Needed credentials:

Shahadat al-thanawia (Secondary School Certificate)

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

USA Senior High School

Needed credentials:

O'rta Ma'lumot To'g'risida Shahodatnoma

Needed credentials:


Needed credentials:

Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc (Secondary School Graduation Diploma)

Needed credentials:

GCE ‘A’ Levels*

GCE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

Al Thanauiya (General Secondary Education Certificate)

Needed credentials:

General Certificate of Education*

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Needed credentials:

GCE ‘A’ Levels*

GCE ‘O’ Levels

* Countries that follow the British system, or a similar system, in which students write General Certificate of Education examinations at the Ordinary (O) and Advanced (A) levels: the subjects needed for admission must be at the ‘A’ level to be considered equivalent to the academic stream (e.g. English 30-1, Math 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, etc.). Subjects, at just an ‘O’ level, are considered equivalent to the non-academic stream (e.g. English 30-2, Math 30-2).

Note: Credentials may be subject to change. Changes must be verified directly by the institution.

Frequently asked questions

I was homeschooled. Can my coursework be evaluated?

Yes. After you apply, you will need to send in your transcripts and detailed course outlines for required subjects so that we can evaluate your coursework.

I've already studied at the post-secondary level. Can my post-secondary coursework be reviewed for equivalencies?

Yes. Even if your post-secondary coursework is not directly equivalent, we may be able to accept it if it is deemed to be at a higher level than what your NorQuest program needs. After you apply, you should submit all of your high school and post-secondary transcripts for evaluation.

I took Language Arts courses in a language other than English. Are my courses equivalent?

Possibly. NorQuest College usually considers Language Arts or Literature courses at an appropriate grade level to be acceptable instead of -2 stream (non-academic) Language Arts courses in Alberta. For example, a Grade 12 Language Arts course in French could be accepted for meeting an English Language Arts 30-2 requirement for most programs.

Communications courses and courses designed for second-language learners are not acceptable for meeting language arts admission requirements.

What are my options if my previous coursework is not considered equivalent to what my NorQuest program needs?

Your options may include writing an academic assessment to show that you meet requirements, taking a course through our Academic Upgrading program, and/or selecting an alternate program for which you do meet the requirements. See Options for admission for more information.