Privacy, Security and Confidentiality in Healthcare Technology - XHLT 3420

This badge will assist learners to gain a comprehensive understanding of the essential concepts and principles related to safeguarding sensitive information in healthcare. Learners will look at the importance of privacy, security, and confidentiality in healthcare settings as well as the potential risks and threats the use of health technology can have regarding these aspects. Legal and regulatory controls, along with defense measures and solutions will be explored.

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Additional information

Please note that all coursework is completed independently with no direct instructor support. A program email is available should any assistance be required. 

Choose a class schedule to register for the course

  Term Duration Schedule Location Class Section
Winter Jan. 6 - May 4, 2025

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* Please enter a start date, no earlier than 3 business days from today.
Open entry/Open exit Online 12507 O01
Spring May 5 - Sep. 1, 2025

Select your start date

* Please enter a start date, no earlier than 3 business days from today.
Open entry/Open exit Online 21464 O01

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