Ready to score
a new career?

From the classroom to your career, NorQuest College is here to assist in your success. We believe each student is on a unique and personal journey. And we provide the support and opportunities you need to accomplish all your goals.

  • A student standing on the banks of a river

    Hands-on learning

    Through labs and field training, you’ll take the theoretical knowledge you learn in the classroom and apply it to realistic situations.

  • A practical nursing student participating in a simulation

    Graduate with experience

    Most programs at NorQuest include workplace practicums or clinicals, so you can graduate with real-world experience.

  • An older indigenous man taking a selfie outside of imagine hall

    Inclusive campus community

    NorQuest welcomes students with diverse lived experiences and is committed to creating an inclusive and supportive campus community.

Supporting your success

At NorQuest, you never have to worry about navigating your college experience alone. We provide support services to help with your studies, mental health, and more. We’re part of your team, and we’ll walk with you each step of the way.

  • I was hired within less than a week of finishing my final courses.

    — Shanna Omeasoo, Child & Youth Care graduate
  • The small classes made it more comfortable and easier to learn.

    — Kendal Schamber, Business Administration
  • Now that I have my diploma, I know it will lead me to success no matter where it  takes me.

    — Rod Anderson, laddering student from Arts and Sciences to Indigenous Studies

Find the perfect program (and career path) for you

Whether you’re looking to upgrade courses, start on a brand-new career path, or upskill in certain areas, we have a program for you!

Attend a program info session

Are you interested in learning more about NorQuest and our programs? Register for an online info session and connect directly with our recruiters and faculty.

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Have questions?

Reach out to our Student Recruitment team with any questions you have about NorQuest, our programs, or getting started on your journey!