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Advanced Education in Orthopaedics for LPNs

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Advanced Education in Orthopaedics for LPNs

This post-diploma, advanced certificate program prepares licensed practical nurses with the knowledge and skills for a specialized career in orthopaedics. The program consists of two theory courses, one lab course, and a clinical practice through self-paced study.

Learners will further their understanding of anatomy and physiology in relation to orthopaedics and orthopaedic radiology, assessment, and trauma. The curriculum includes specialized orthopaedic procedures, including casting.

What to expect from the program

You will further your understanding of anatomy and physiology in relation to orthopaedics and orthopaedic radiology, assessment, and trauma. The curriculum includes specialized orthopaedic procedures, including casting.

Students are more likely to be successful in this program if they:

  • are physically and emotionally able to manage workplace demands
  • have access to a vehicle to travel to complete their clinical practice
  • have access to a computer and basic computer skills

Graduate with experience

NorQuest College believes in the importance of on-the-job experience that provides an enriched learning opportunity.

You’ll graduate this program with 300 hours of work experience from your practicum.

Career opportunities

Upon successful completion of this program, you will be prepared to work in emergency departments, cast rooms, and orthopaedic patient care areas.

Important information for international students

We appreciate your interest in this program. However, this program is not available to international students at this time. For a full list of programs available to international students, please visit the programs and courses page.

If you're not sure which program is perfect for you, NorQuest's International Student Recruiters can help. Contact or  book a meeting.

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