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Advanced Education in Orthopaedics for LPNs

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Advanced Education in Orthopaedics for LPNs

Program requirements

Academic requirements
  • active registration in good standing with a college for licensed practical nurses (LPNs)

  • At least 3,600 hours of active employment at an acute care site, verified by an employment confirmation form, filled out by your employer. Download the form here.

    Note: Acute care sites include medicine, surgery, intensive care, cardiac care, pediatrics, emergency departments, operating rooms, or out-patient cast rooms.

Practicum/work experience requirements

Before you attend your clinical practice, you will need:

There may be costs associated with completing these requirements. See Completing work, practicum, and clinical requirements for details and further instructions.

Progression and graduation

Students must receive a passing grade in each course to progress through the program. To remain in good academic standing, a minimum term grade point average (GPA) of 3.3 and a passing grade in all Pass/Fail courses (no WF or F) is required.

The Academic Standing Policy and Procedure provide further details on the categories of academic standing, and the consequences and supports available if a student is not in good academic standing.

A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.3 in the program’s courses is required to qualify for graduation.

Honours criteria

  • Overall grade point average (GPA) greater than or equal to 3.7
  • The student must not have failed or repeated any courses

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