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LINC - Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada

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LINC - Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada

What it costs for September 2024

Tuition for LINC is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

There are no fees or tuition for eligible students. Students must be Canadian Permanent Residents. International students are not eligible for LINC.

  • Full time Mornings Blended (in-person and online real-time) CLB 0-8
  • Full time Mornings Fully in person 5 days a week CLB 0-1 (Foundational)
  • Full time Mornings Online (CLB 4-8)
  • Full time Afternoons Blended (in-person and online real-time) CLB 0-8
  • Full time Afternoons Fully in person 5 days a week CLB 0-1 (Foundational)
  • Part time Evenings (in-person) CLB 0-8
  • Part time Saturdays (in-person and online portion) CLB 0-8
  • Part time LINC Online CLB 1L-8
Full-time, 26 courses
CLB Foundational LINC100016 credits
CLB 1 LINC100116 credits
CLB 2 LINC100216 credits
CLB 3 LINC100316 credits
CLB 4 LINC100416 credits
CLB 5 LINC100516 credits
CLB 6 LINC100616 credits
CLB 7 LINC100716 credits
CLB 8 LINC100816 credits
CLB Foundational B LINC12008 credits
CLB 1B LINC12018 credits
CLB 2B LINC12028 credits
CLB 3B LINC12038 credits
CLB 4B LINC12048 credits
CLB 5B LINC12058 credits
CLB 6B LINC12068 credits
CLB 7B LINC12078 credits
CLB 8B LINC12088 credits
CLB 3W LINC501316 credits
CLB 5W LINC501516 credits
LINC Works 5 - Work Experience Preparation LINC50258 credits
LINC Works 5 Work Experience LINC50352 credits
LINC Volunteer LINC600016 credits
LINC Preparation for Childcare Work LINC601016 credits
CLB 3WB LINC52138 credits
CLB 5WB LINC52158 credits
Online and part-time, 20 courses
CLB 1 - 4 Credit LINC70014 credits
CLB 2 - 4 Credit LINC70024 credits
CLB 3 - 4 Credit LINC70034 credits
CLB 4 - 4 Credit LINC70044 credits
CLB 5 - 4 Credit LINC70054 credits
CLB 6 - 4 Credit LINC70064 credits
CLB 7 - 4 Credit LINC70074 credits
CLB 8 - 4 Credit LINC70084 credits
CLB Foundational B - 2 Credit LINC72002 credits
CLB 1B - 2 Credit LINC72012 credits
CLB 2B - 2 Credit LINC72022 credits
CLB 3B - 2 Credit LINC72032 credits
CLB 4B - 2 Credit LINC72042 credits
CLB 5B - 2 Credit LINC72052 credits
CLB 6B - 2 Credit LINC72062 credits
CLB 7B - 2 Credit LINC72072 credits
CLB 8B - 2 Credit LINC72082 credits
LINC Online - 4 Credit LINC90004 credits
LINC Online B - 2 Credit LINC92002 credits

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