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Pharmacy Technician


Pharmacy Technician diploma program graduates are eligible for block transfer credit or admission into the following post-secondary programs:

Athabasca University

  • Bachelor of Health Administration (up to 42 credits)
  • Bachelor of Professional Arts Human Services (up to 30 credits)
  • Bachelor of Science (Post Diploma) in Human Science (30 credits)


  • Bachelor of Technology in Technology Management

Thompson Rivers University (Kamloops, BC)

  • Bachelor of Health Science (up to 57 credits)
  • Bachelor of General Studies (up to 60 credits)

University of Lethbridge

  • Post-Diploma Bachelor of Health Sciences
    • Graduates who achieve a minimum GPA of 3.00 are eligible for third-year admission

Additional credit transfer agreements with various institutions are in negotiation. Visit Transfer Alberta to look up courses that are accepted by other post-secondary institutions.

Additional certification

Graduates of the NorQuest College Pharmacy Technician diploma program will be recognized as eligible to write the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) Qualifying Examination and register as a provisional pharmacy technician with the Alberta College of Pharmacy (ACP). Successful completion of the PEBC examination and various tasks with the ACP are necessary for registration as a pharmacy technician in Alberta. This process takes a minimum of six months after graduation to complete before licensure as a pharmacy technician can be achieved.

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