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Pharmacy Technician

Program requirements for September 2025

Academic requirements
  • Successful completion of NorQuest College's Pharmacy Technician diploma arithmetic assessment
  •  High school diploma, general education diploma (GED), or equivalent
  • Language Arts – this requirement can be met with any of the following, or an equivalent course:
    • 60% in English Language Arts 30-1
    • 70% in English Language Arts 30-2
  • Mathematics – this requirement can be met with any of the following, or an equivalent course:
    • 60% in Mathematics 30-1
      60% in Mathematics 30-2
  • Biology – this requirement can be met with the following, or an equivalent course:
    • 60% in Biology 30
  • Chemistry – this requirement can be met with the following, or an equivalent course:
    • 60% in Chemistry 30

Or Academic Assessment – Applicants who have applied may be able to meet the four core subjects above with a free academic assessment. Click here for more details or email to meet with an advisor.

Note: The academic admission requirements are different from English language proficiency (ELP) requirements.

English language proficiency requirements

All applicants must meet the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) language proficiency requirements prior to admission. Language proficiency test results must be no more than two years old and not expired when you start your program. Proof of English language proficiency may be met in one of two ways:

  • Graduation from a high school, CEGEP (general and professional teaching college in Quebec), community college, private career college, or university program in Canada if the program was of at least 3 years’ duration and was provided in English with successful completion of three consecutive English language courses. Second-language or additional language courses are not acceptable as evidence.


  • Test scores we accept:
    • IELTS Academic
      • Reading 7.0
      • Listening 7.0
      • Speaking 7.0
      • Writing 6.5
    • OET
      • Reading B
      • Listening B
      • Speaking B
      • Writing C+

Note: No other evidence of ELP, including completion of NorQuest coursework or other studies in English outside of Canada, will be accepted. The above language proficiency standards are established by the Alberta College of Pharmacy and the NAPRA. ELP is a separate requirement from the English academic admission requirement.

The test scores above are updated per NAPRA standards for September 1, 2024. 

Practicum/work experience requirements

Students may need to travel or relocate anywhere in Alberta to complete their practicum due to site availability and are responsible for the associated costs. Access to a vehicle may be needed. Within the time frame of the program, every effort is made to accommodate student preferences in practicum placements. In extreme circumstances, NorQuest College may need to delay a student’s practicum until a placement becomes available.

Before you attend your practicum, you will need:

There may be costs associated with completing these requirements. See Completing work, practicum, and clinical requirements for details and further instructions.

International students: You must get a co-op work permit before beginning the work-integrated learning component of the program. A medical exam may also be needed. See Co-op work permit for more information.

Progression and graduation

Students must receive a passing grade in each course to progress through the program. To remain in good academic standing, a minimum term grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 and a passing grade in all Pass/Fail courses (no WF or F) is required.

Due to space restrictions in labs, students who are completing the program on a full-time basis will be given priority over part-time students if class capacity is an issue.

The Academic Standing Policy and Procedure provide further details on the categories of academic standing, and the consequences and supports available if a student is not in good academic standing.
A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 in the program’s courses is required to qualify for graduation. The program must be completed within four years of your start date.

Honours criteria

  • Overall grade point average (GPA) greater than or equal to 3.7
  • The student must not have failed or repeated any courses

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