Student evaluations and final grades

The purpose of evaluation is to provide the student, other educational institutions, and future employers with a clear indication of the student’s level of achievement in each course completed.

The instructor will make clear at the beginning of the course the manner of evaluation, the passing grade, and the type of grade scale used. The instructor will provide each student with periodic evaluations.

The instructor or department will inform students of the manner and the date on which final grades are made known.

The instructor will submit the final grade for each student to the Office of the Registrar at the completion of each course.

The Office of the Registrar will make the following available to each student:

Final examinations or projects

In courses where final examinations or projects are requirements, students shall be informed of evaluation guidelines, and given sufficient notice of scheduled final evaluations. This procedure governs all college final evaluations or projects worth at least 20% of the course grade.

Each program will determine whether summative evaluations are appropriate for student evaluation (for example, final exams, projects, or skills demonstrations, which constitute cumulative assessment).

Each program will ensure that summative evaluation information is available to students. This information will outline the implications or options related to the:

  • withdrawal from courses or programs before completing summative evaluations
  • challenge of a final exam, project, or demonstration for course credits
  • failure to write final exams (or to complete other summative evaluations) as scheduled
  • provision of exam accommodations for a student with a disability
  • failure of summative evaluations (for example, students may then write supplemental exams)
  • appeal of any aspect of final exams

For any course that includes such evaluations, the following guidelines will apply:

  • The course outline will clearly indicate the nature of the summative evaluation (for example, type of evaluation, passing grade, weighting of the exam, project, or demonstration).
  • Each summative evaluation will test how well the student achieved the stated learning objectives of the course.
  • Students will receive sufficient notice about summative evaluations. Each program will determine how much notice will be provided.
  • All summative evaluations are the property of the college and will be stored for five months.