Student records

NorQuest College creates and maintains student records necessary to meet administrative and academic needs.

We collect, keep, use, disclose, and dispose of all information collected in accordance with related departmental/program business practices, official manuals of the college, provincial/federal legislation related to access to information and protection of privacy, and the following policies and procedures:

Student records retention practice

The Office of the Registrar maintains the official student record for a period of three years after final activity (withdrawal, completion, or graduation). Information of a permanent nature is captured on the electronic record and includes transcript information, final grades, withdrawal information, anecdotal information, and, in some instances, final summaries of clinical/work experience/reference documentation. Once the three-year criterion has been met, the electronic record becomes the permanent student record.

Official student file and record

The official student file and official student record are under the custody and control of the Office of the Registrar, which is accountable for the management of these records. Additional records relating to students may also exist in academic areas and in personal information banks elsewhere in the college. Original completed student releases, consents, waivers, and other agreements must be sent promptly for placement on the official student file in the Office of the Registrar.

Official student transcript

An official transcript of the student academic record is created, maintained, and held under the custody and control of the Office of the Registrar. This is considered confidential information and will not be released without the student's written consent unless required by law.

The official transcript includes the official student name(s) and address, student ID number, courses, grades, academic standing statuses, and credential(s).

An official transcript is generated and mailed to the student upon graduation from a program. You can request copies from the Office of the Registrar. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that his or her contact information remains current.

Unofficial transcript

You can generate an unofficial list of grades assigned for courses attempted during the current term, including any grades for previous terms at any time in MyQuest.

Change of name and address

Name and address are considered confidential and used only for official college business. Having students’ current name, address, and contact information on file with the college is critical to effective college communications with students and alumni.

Change of name

All name changes must be submitted in writing and accompanied by at least one of the following official government-issued identification forms:

  • marriage/name change certificate
  • valid driver’s licence
  • passport
  • citizenship documentation

Only a current ID document or card will be recognized as valid. An expired ID document or card will not be accepted for a name change.

Change of address

Students may change their address and telephone number by:

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP)

The Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act is provincial legislation that applies to all personal information collected, used, and disclosed by the college. All records in the custody or control of the college are subject to FOIP, except those records explicitly excluded by the Act.

The FOIP Act aims to balance the public’s right to access records with the individual’s right to privacy. The purposes of the FOIP Act are to:

  • provide access to the recorded information held by public bodies
  • protect the privacy of individuals by controlling the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information
  • allow individuals the right of access to personal information about themselves held by a public body
  • allow individuals the right to request corrections to their personal information
  • provide access to an independent review of decisions made by public bodies under this Act

To view the legislation or get official information on the Act, visit the FOIP website.

For more information on FOIP at NorQuest College, contact the Compliance Office at 780.644.6292 or 780.644.5956 or at

Personal information

Personal information is defined in FOIP Act under section 1 as recorded information about an identifiable individual, including but not limited to:

  • the individual’s name, home or business address, or home or business telephone number
  • the individual’s race, national or ethnic origin, colour, or religious or political beliefs, or associations
  • the individual’s age, sex, marital, or family status
  • an identifying number, symbol, or other particular assigned to the individual
  • the individual’s fingerprints, other biometric information, blood type, genetic information, or inheritable characteristics
  • information about the individual’s health and health-care history, including information about a physical or mental disability
  • information about the individual’s educational, financial, employment, or criminal history, including criminal records where a pardon has been given
  • anyone else’s opinions about the individual
  • the individual’s personal views or opinions, except if they are about someone else

Access to student files

Under the FOIP principles that ensure individuals have a right to access and correct personal information about them, and to foster openness and accountability with the clients we serve, students may view and/or correct their student records or portions thereof by making an appointment at the Office of the Registrar. Students requesting access to their entire student record are advised to allow up to 48 hours for the retrieval of records. Copies of any documentation requested may be subject to a fee under the FOIP Act. Contact the Office of the Registrar for full details.

Use and disclosure of personal information

The Alberta FOIP Act contains provisions authorizing or requiring public bodies to disclose personal information in their custody and control for a range of reasons. Disclosure of personal information without the express prior written consent of the student is sometimes necessary in the course of conducting college business to provide support during their educational experience. Such disclosures occur only where required by the FOIP Act. Authorities for the disclosure of personal information are found in the FOIP Act under section 40, "Disclosure of Personal Information" by Public Bodies.

One specific authority under the FOIP Act is the disclosure of personal information collected by a public body when it is for the purpose for which it was collected or compiled or for a use that is consistent with that purpose. Also, disclosure of personal information may occur without the prior written consent of the student, subject to acceptable consistent use standards, emergency and law enforcement situations, information-sharing agreements, participation in common or integrated programs and services, or other agreements that follow the disclosure authorities of the FOIP Act. With exceptions, the FOIP Act allows you to request that your personal information not be used in certain circumstances. If you do not wish to have your information used for the purposes described in the following examples, contact the Office of the Registrar.

Examples of disclosure that need a request to stop use include:

  • confirmation of enrolment or completion of or graduation from a particular program offered by NorQuest College
  • attendance at, or participation in, a public event or activity related to a public body, including a convocation ceremony, sporting event, cultural program, club, or field trip
  • receipt of an honour or award granted by or through NorQuest College
  • contact information for college research, planning, and follow-up
  • contact information for the NorQuest College Alumni Association

Contact the Compliance Office with inquiries related to the collection, use, and disclosure of student personal information.

Privacy and system protection responsibilities of students

Students have responsibilities in ensuring college information is kept private, and protecting NorQuest systems. These responsibilities include:

  • safeguarding their passwords, unique identifiers (such as ID numbers), and any assignments, examinations, or other documents made available or returned to them
  • being answerable for all activities undertaken with their college user ID
  • ensuring that any activities they undertake on NorQuest College computing/IT resources are in support of their learning objectives and do not disrupt or damage college computer/network services, software or hardware
  • not using college facilities for commercial purposes or the illegal duplication or distribution of copyrighted material
  • treating as confidential any personal information that might come into their possession during the course of their academic experience or while on practicum placement

Notification of survey participation and disclosures

To help research that supports program and service planning and quality improvement initiatives at NorQuest College and that enhances understanding of Alberta's and Canada's post-secondary educational systems, NorQuest College may release student contact and other personal information to external agencies without prior written consent, but within the allowable provisions of the FOIP Act. These agencies include Statistics Canada and Alberta Advanced Education.

Surveys that NorQuest College participates in include the Graduate Outcome Survey for Advanced Education, the Enhanced Student Information System (ESIS) Survey for Statistics Canada, and the National Graduate Survey (NGS) for Statistics Canada. Students who do not wish to have their information used for ESIS or NGS are able to ask Statistics Canada to remove their identifying information from the national database.

Contact Statistics Canada for more information.