Transportation and parking

You can drive, bike, or take transit to NorQuest College. Learn more about the transportation options available to you.

Driving or biking to NorQuest?

Visit Parking for information on parking or storing your bike on campus.

Taking transit?

NorQuest College's Edmonton campus is conveniently located along major transit routes. The Corona Station LRT is located one block south of the Edmonton campus. Numerous bus routes are also close by.


The U-Pass is administered by the Students’ Association of NorQuest College (SANQC). Contact SANQC for any questions or visit their website.

The U-Pass is mandatory for full- and part-time students who have been assessed the Students’ Association fee and are taking classes within the Edmonton city limits and/or have an in person practicum.

The U-Pass program provides unlimited usage of regular transit service from:

Visit the Students’ Association website for more information.