Kristy Charlesworth

Hospital Unit Clerk

A major role for NorQuest College is to be a catalyst for students and employers. One such student is Kristy Charlesworth, a graduate of NorQuest’s Hospital Unit Clerk (HUC) certificate program.

Kristy recently contacted NorQuest College to share how her time in the HUC program was such a catalyzing experience.

She writes:

Kristy Charlesworth - Image

"I am so grateful for the HUC program. It gave me assurance in my ability to accomplish something and be successful, which is not a feeling I had walking to that classroom on the first day. 

As a result, I have a lot more confidence to start on the long haul to where I want to be; a Masters in Counselling with a focus in Gerontology. The combination of the bereavement training and my practicum made me realize that I would love the opportunity to work more closely and personally with seniors and their families.

The HUC program helped me in so many more ways than just getting a job. I'm working in a wonderful facility. I have the financial security to continue my education while still balancing the needs of myself and my son and I have the support of friends whom I never would have met outside of the program.

Without the support from all of you as instructors and the intensity of the condensed program, I don't know that I would feel ready or able to take on a full time job, school and life as a single mom. Having my certificate in hand proves that I have done it and can do it again (albeit, for much longer).

So I would just like to say thank you to the Workplace Facilitator Ruth Goudreau, the rest of the HUC instructors and NorQuest. It was a wonderful experience and, though time has flown by since graduating, it has affected my life immensely."

Many thanks to Kristy for sharing her story. We wish her, our students and our graduates continued success.

I am so grateful for the Hospital Unit Clerk program. It gave me assurance in my ability to accomplish something and be successful.