Victoria Knight

Pharmacy Technician

Victoria Knight - Image

A prescription for success; Pharm Tech grad loving career choice

Victoria Knight wanted to turn her part time job into a career. NorQuest College helped her secure that dream with its two-year Pharmacy Technician diploma program.

After working in her hometown of Valleyview Alberta as a pharmacist’s assistant for a number of years, it was apparent to the 22 year old that she had a passion for helping people with their medication needs.

Today, she is a full time employee at Edmonton’s Cross Cancer Institute, providing medication services for patients in one of the lead centres for province-wide prevention, research, and treatment.

Her education at NorQuest College, she says, prepared her beautifully for the next stage in her life.

“I think it was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. The instructors felt more like friends and were very down to earth. It was still a very professional relationship, but not intimidating. They were approachable and willing to help. And the practicums that were secured for me were very, very helpful; not only in preparing me for my career, but in helping me decide what I wanted to do in terms of career path: a hospital setting or at a retail site?”

In the end, Knight chose the hospital setting.

“I had only worked in retail before so seeing the hospital setting was a real eye-opening for me. It was very exciting so I am glad I am where I am now and that I had the practicum to help me decide that. I love what I do!”

I think it was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. The instructors felt more like friends and were very down to earth. It was very exciting so I am glad I am where I am now. I love what I do!