Your courses

Congratulations! Now that you’re here, discover how learning works at NorQuest College, and what you need to know before you start.

  1. It’s important you understand how to enrol. Select your program below

  2. You also need to understand how enrolment works, including how to add or drop courses using Visual Schedule Builder (VSB), waitlists and practicum requirements 

  3. Read more about your next steps as a student accepted to study at NorQuest 

Ways to enrol at NorQuest

The enrolment process for students varies depending upon your program. Some programs allow students to self-enrol, for some programs the College will enrol you into your courses.


You will be able to choose your courses and build your schedule based on course availability. You will receive an enrolment appointment notification in your MyQuest account when it’s time to select courses. You can review your required courses on your program’s webpage.

If you require additional support selecting your courses, please email or drop-in to meet with an advisor.

Block enrolment

You will be enrolled by Office of the Registrar staff. You will receive an email once you are enrolled in your courses.


Understanding deadlines

As a student you are responsible to know and understand our deadlines. Once you have been enrolled into your courses you are responsible for any outstanding fees.

NorQuest College has deadlines in relation to dropping or adding courses. There are two types of deadlines:

  • Academic – these deadlines are related to whether you receive a grade in the course.
  • Financial – these deadlines are related to whether you receive a refund.
  • A female student sitting at a desk holding her phone

    What's next

    Your finances

    Learn about paying for your education, student loans, bursaries and other important information

    Learn more