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What it costs for September 2025

The amounts listed are based on a full-time course load and are estimates, so should not be used as actual numbers. All amounts listed are in Canadian (CAD) currency.

If you are planning on taking a part-time course load, try our tuition and fees estimator to get an idea of how much it will cost you.

NorQuest College Student Financial Aid helps you see the financial resources you are eligible for. The Justice program qualifies for several funding options.

Courses for September 2025

You must complete 21 courses to graduate. Courses are listed by term to show the recommended path to completing the program in two years as a full-time student.

Courses marked with (O) are available through Open Studies.

​Credits needed for full-time status: 9 credits per term for fall and winter. 6 credits for spring.


Electives, 20 courses (choose 8), 8 courses

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